Our child protection and welfare officer:

Anthony McKenzie
Originally from a youth work background and with over 20 years working at special schools with responsibility for
manual handling and staff development. Anthony's martial arts experience comes from a Judo base, he started
supporting the Sanjuro programme in 2007 based at a school in North London, in 2008 he joined the Sanjuro
Instructor team. Anthony, is Sanjuro's Lead Child Protection Officer.
Awards - Anthony is a trained Holistic Therapist and is the founder of Reflection massage Ltd
Best bit about Sanjuro - Anthony has a special interest in incorporating within Sanjuro sessions movement,
British sign language and Makaton, massage and its therapeutic impact on people with Special Education Needs
Best bit about being an Instructor - supporting people to learn to help themselves
All Policies, procedures and supporting information are available here
Lead Safeguarding / Welfare Officer:
Anthony McKenzie
Sanjuro Welfare / safeguarding Officer
M: 07931 576 220
E: armckenzie@blueyonder.co.uk